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BSides Cleveland 208 Hacking in Highschool Inspiring the next generation of security professionals M
BSides Cleveland 208 Hacking in Highschool Inspiring the next generation of security professionals M
BSides Cleveland 208 Hacking in Highschool Inspiring the next generation of security professionals M
BSides Cleveland 207 MacOS An easy exploit 2 ways Cody Smith
BSides Cleveland 201 Diary of a Security Noob TJ Toterhi
BSides Cleveland 107 Eye on the Prize a Proposal for Legalizing Hacking Back Adam Hogan
BSides Cleveland 304 Quantifying Securitys Value It Can Be Done Arianna Willett
BSides Cleveland 302 IoT Device Pentesting Erik Daguerre
BSides Cleveland 205 Spy vs Spy Tips from the trenches for red and blue teams Thomas McBee Jeff McCu
BSides Cleveland 203 Decentralization For Security and Freedom A Discussion of Asymmetric and Decent
10/27/22 Planning Commission
2020 election results and continuing coverage